VDL ETG Technology and Development (T&D)

VDL ETG has grouped its technology & development  capabilities in one global organization that is in part also co-located to the production facilities to strengthen it’s  DfX philosophy in designing new equipment for the OEM customers. For sure, proximity of production helps secure manufacturability of designs, leading to a faster New Product Introduction (NPI) and thus a faster Time-to-Market for the OEM customer.

VDL ETG T&D’s main location is in Eindhoven, housing all competence groups, specialist functions (e.g. physicists, chemists) and the management and staff. Per 2018, VDL ETG T&D employs more than 230 FTE and works closely with several staffing-partners.
Also, VDL ETG T&D entertains close cooperation with multiple knowledge institutes as well as Universities of Technology  (Eindhoven, Delft, Twente)  enabling access to latest insights  and technology.

Of course, VDL ETG T&D is also very open to practical training periods by students from polytechnic schools  or universities of technology.


